1. Select a trading pair

    Select the desired trading pair which you wish to place an order on.


  2. Select the fee level

    Each trading pair offers three fee levels: 0.01%, 0.05%, 0.3%.


  3. Choose the direction of the transaction


  4. Enter the exchange price

    After a desired exchange price has been entered, a narrow range will be generated       containing your desired exchange price. Whereby, the order will be placed within that range. At the same time, you can also drag the slider to adjust the price range.


  5. Enter the amount for the transaction


  6. Transaction Approval

    If this is your wallet address’ first time placing a maker order with this token, you will need to approve it first.You only have to do this once per token.


  7. Confirm the order information and place an order


  8. After an order has been placed successfully, you can check the status of the order in the Open Orders tab